Chartbeat Blog

Breaking one million

There’s been some celebrations around chartbeat today as we can now say that at any one moment during the day we are listening to the pulse of more than one million people across the web. You can see the current number of people chartbeat is interacting with by going to our front page.

As I know from painful experience with my personal site, for the vast majority of sites on the web the average number of people on that site at any one time is approximately zero, so this is a big milestone for us. We’ve been lucky to work with some awesome sites and companies since we launched a little over a year ago and in particular I want to call out a few chartbeat users who’ve gone above and beyond with feedback, encouragement and subscription fees! Thank you, Gawker media, Fast Company and Inc,, The New York Times, AOL, Forbes, Deltatre, Groupon and Threadless.

Thanks also to companies like Talking Points Memo, the Onion and the Chicago Tribune for putting the API through its paces and using chartbeat to make their sites automatically adapt in real time. We’re really very fond of you all!

We’re working hard on the evolution of chartbeat right now (and hiring!) and we plan on continuing to show just what you can do when you take data real time.