Chartbeat Blog

Links We Like: Online Media

As the Principle Product Owner of Chartbeat Publishing, part of my role involves staying on top of the latest and greatest stories in online media. After all, if I’m trying to build the most helpful, relevant, and effective products for our clients, I need to know the trends, developments, and new ideas that are happening in the industry.

Since I’m always adding things to my Instapaper, I thought I’d share a few favorites with you guys. Here’s a few recent stories that I found particularly pertinent and helpful to my work at Chartbeat, and my hope is that you’ll find them interesting them too.

Andrew Chen looks at Vine, Twitter, SnapChat, and Dribble in a great piece on communication products with arbitrary constraints, and how these limitations affect creativity. Check out Constrained media: How Disappearing Photos, 6 Second Videos, and 140 Characters Are Conquering the World.

I’m a big fan of Medium and their future-focused approach to content – so it’s no surprise their internal management structure is strikingly innovative as well. Read about it in How Medium Is Building A New Kind of Company with No Managers.

As we continue to think about the role of brands as publishers, Federated Media Publishing‘s John Battelle announces the company’s foray, a new product suite that combines programmatic adtech with content marketing as a means of better brand building in Great Content, Meet Great Targeting (and Reach)

MediaBizBlogger reflects on the recently-released IDC study on the rise of the 3rd platform, essentially confirming that publishers need to focus on mobile and tablet audiences more than ever in The Hyper-Connected, Mobile Audience Will Force Publishers to Act.

Along those lines of thinking about distinct audiences, check out this helpful how-to piece about short-form content from Social Media Today, Where and Why You Should Publish Short-Form Content.

And finally, here’s an oldie but a goodie from Smashing Magazine about the importance of incorporating a storytelling approach to UX design in Better Experience through Using Storytelling.

Where do I find many of these great posts? Jason Hirschhorn’s daily newsletter is the single best resource I’ve discovered. Go sign up!

What articles have you enjoyed recently? Have you read any of the ones I’ve mentioned above? Share your thoughts in the Comments below.