Press On

It’s an important time for truth in journalism, and as a committed media partner to hundreds of content creators, we are behind you every step of the way. It’s easy to get bogged down by constantly evolving challenges and the day-to-day grind, but beneath the surface, there’s an underlying mission that we all share – to get quality content and important information out into the world.
And now is more critical than ever to join together and celebrate the collective beliefs and convictions that drive us in pursuit of that mission, that inspire us to press on.
We want to hear from you: What inspires you and drives you everyday? In the face of opportunity or challenge, how do you #PressOn?
At Chartbeat, we are inspired by our customers to #PressOn, ensuring that media companies have the data they need to connect with readers everywhere.
Tweet us your answers @Chartbeat and let us know why you #PressOn. Those with particularly captivating answers will win their own “Press On” t-shirt!
We’ve just refreshed our brand and product. To hear more about why, read here.