Chartbeat Blog

Newsbeat, The Command Center For The New Newsroom, Opens Up To Public Beta

Today, we’re proud to announce the beta release of newsbeat, the first real-time analytics service designed exclusively for publishers.
We’ve spent the last six months working with publishers from The Wall Street Journal and Forbes to Fast Company and Time to create a service that thinks the same way editors, producers, and content creators do – and gives them the tools they need to build a new kind of newsroom.

Newsbeat gives your newsroom’s front-line team detailed information on every single page on your site in a way they intuitively understand. You can dive as deep as you want and find the diamonds in the rough.

But newsbeat doesn’t overwhelm you in a flood of data, it sorts the signal from the noise. Newsbeat’s finely tuned algorithms analyze every page in real time and predicts their expected traffic paths.

 When something unusual happens, like a spike in traffic, you’ll be immediately alerted by SMS or email and be in the best position to respond.

Chevrons denoting acceleration of new visitors to your pages also appear on the dashboard, giving you an early warning signal that a story is about to blow up, or is losing its heat.
One of the key features of newsbeat is the ability to create personalized dashboards for every person on your team. The sports editor no longer has to wade through data on politics and world news to find the data that’s important to her. She can log in and immediately see her traffic, her stories and her referrers.
A flexible user management system with granular permission settings means you only have to share the data you want, giving you the confidence that your data is secure.

Please check out the newsbeat product tour, sign up for your free 30-day trial, and join us in building the new newsroom.