Chartbeat Blog

Send Us Your Big Boards!

Numbers tell the whole story? Usually not. But in the case of Gawker and many of our other clients, they can be pretty damn important.

Nick Denton said it best on MSNBC’s Rock Center segment when he shows off the Chartbeat Big Board  – your top pages, all prettied up for the big screen – and talks about just how important it is for Gawker Media.

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These guys display the Big Board in every room of their office. Seriously. We’ve seen it. It’s up there so everyone – not just the research analysts and strategy execs in their back offices – can instantly see how they’re doing.

That’s how real-time data should be used. Front and center for everyone to see and take action on.

Are you guys using the Chartbeat Big Board? Take a pic and tweet it our way.

Video courtesy of MSNBC: