We like to think of ourselves as internet super geniuses and pretend that all of our ideas come out of our heads fully formed and fully great. But – truth is – some of our best ideas come from the stuff we see you guys doing.
Sometimes we see what you’re doing and carefully weigh and combine it with our usecases and research to release incremental improvements to our dashboards (yeah. It’s as entirely boring as it sounds.)
But sometimes we see you doing ridiculously awesome stuff and we just sort of steal it because it’s so cool and that’s all that matters.
So welcome to our newest thing – Chartbeat Highlight – by us, but mostly from you.

For years we’ve been running into images of your dashboards everywhere. Whether it’s screenshots on Twitter, Instagram pics, or Facebook uploads when you guys are having great traffic days or dinosaur-shaped spikes….
….you’re making sure the world knows they’re happening.
And you should. Because all of these moments – from the Jurassic to the practical – are celebratory events that you worked stupid hard to earn (or, you know, you just happen to be in the right place at the right time and you got crazy traffic… because the web can be totally weird like that) and you should shout it out.
So we built Chartbeat Highlight to make it super easy for you to share that joy with everyone
The next time something really great happens on your site just click the share button on your nav bar and we’ll get you going.

We’ll kick you over to the Highlight screen, and show you a live preview of what you’ll be putting out there. Specifically we’ll show your current traffic, your total engaged time for the day, and a general trend line: all the fist-pumping information you could want.
Then let us know long you want this thing out there. You can set your Highlight to expire whenever you want – keep it out there for a bunch of hours or cut it off after one.
After that’s all set up you’ll get a link (with an adorable chart.bt shortener) that you can email on to Mom, share with your legions of Facebook fans, or – if you’ve connected your Twitter account to Chartbeat (and if you haven’t do it now. We’ll wait…), you can write a quick message and tweet it out right from your dash.
It goes without saying, but to be crazy crazy clear – unless you explicitly go through this process we won’t share a Highlight on your behalf. Your data is as safe as it’s always been. Similarly right now only admins can share Highlights – so if you’re not already one bug the person who set up your account to get it out there.
So go share your Highlights with everyone and get yourself internet famous.