Chartbeat Blog

Introducing the Chartbeat Publishing Video Dashboard

As Joe wrote on Monday, publishers are doubling down on producing video content, but right now many people have little-to-no insight into how their video strategies are working – if they’re lucky enough to have a video strategy at all. We’re now giving you real-time data on how video is performing across your site and across the web, focusing especially on getting your most engaging videos in front of your visitors.

The Chartbeat Publishing Video Dashboard provides hugely important insights that are often missing from current video strategies, which is the context of your video content on your pages – as well as pages outside of your own site. Stand-alone video pages rarely prove successful for even the biggest publishers, while engaging articles can be bolstered by a quality video that supports the story in the text.

Now that we’ve armed you with some video strategy tips, so now let’s take a look at the new Chartbeat Publishing Video Dashboard.

Performance: Know what’s doing well

To understand how each video is performing, we’re focusing on five metrics – key measurements we see as the foundation for your coherent video content strategy. all of which are either new signature Chartbeat measurements or are select industry metrics that Chartbeat calculates differently through our real-time ping methodology:

A: Watching Now: The number of people watching your video right now

B: Play Rate: The percentage of visitors who actually played your video

C: Average Engagement: The percent of each video that is actually watched

D: Engagement Score: A single, consolidated score for evaluating your videos

Ad Drop-Off: The number of visitors leaving the video during ad pre-roll 

Context: Know where your video is doing well

Unlike written content, which tends to be on a single page, a video can be embedded in a lot of different places – multiple articles pages, the homepage, video-specific pages, or even on other people’s sites.

When you click on a video in the Chartbeat Publishing Video Dashboard, you can see where that video is getting watched the most and compare performance metrics across all of those pages.

Opportunities: Find top pages that don’t have videos

Knowing where video is doing well is important, but what about where your video could be doing well? Because we look at your site holistically, rather than just your video content, we can highlight your best-performing articles that don’t have videos. Treat those as opportunities – places you might consider for video embeds.

Learn more about the Chartbeat Publishing Video Dashboard

You can learn more by visiting the Video Dashboard product page (link only works if you’re logged out of your Chartbeat account). I hope this introduction pumped you up for the Video Dashboard – feel free to share your questions or feedback in the Comments section, or get in touch with the Chartcorps to learn more.