Chartbeat Blog

New: Chartbeat App for HootSuite

We love HootSuite. We use HootSuite for a whole bunch of our social media stuff. And we know a good number of you use HootSuite too. So when we had the opportunity to build a Chartbeat app for the HootSuite App Directory, we went for it.

The Chartbeat app allows you to pull key data from the Chartbeat dashboard directly into your HootSuite dashboard and then react to that data and take action in directly.

An example? Say you notice one of your top pages is performing well without any social media activity behind it? Or you see an article coming out of nowhere and catching fire with your audience? Use the power of the Chartbeat app in the HootSuite dashboard to share those messages across all your social media channels – and see how much of a difference you made with your articles and your audience by taking action in real time.

The HootSuite App Directory is “a collection of extensions and applications that HootSuite users can add to their dashboard to create a customized experience.” We like being a part of collections. It makes us feel collectable.

More importantly, it’s great to see the Chartbeat name up there with SurveyMonkey and ContentGems, all part of the Class of June 2013, as well as other companies we use, value, or just respect the hell out of (Instagram, Tumblr, HubSpot, Reddit, Vimeo, to name a few.)

Take the Chartbeat app for a test drive and tell us what you think! Already a HootSuite customer? Install the app here.

Don’t have a HootSuite account? Click here to learn more.