Chartbeat Blog

Download the Summer 2014 Quarterly

When we speak with publishers and advertisers, one thing is always very clear to us: Almost as if by their very nature, they’re ready with pen and pad to learn everything there is to know about the ever-evolving web. We’re right there with ’em. If you follow along on our blog (which, of course, you should do…), then you know that our whip-smart crew of data scientists spends a lot of time sifting through mounds of data and writing about their findings.

You’ve also probably seen some of their work and gnarly charts in publications such as TIME, SlatePoynterThe Washington Post, and Adweek. But there’s so much more that we want to learn and share with you. So today, we’re inaugurating the Chartbeat Quarterly, a once-a-season magazine that dives headlong into the data science of online publishing and advertising. This summer, we’re exploring “Matters of Time,” an all-time favorite topic of ours.

We’re scratching the surface, but download the Quarterly and let us know what you think!