Chartbeat Blog

Follow Up: Mobile Research Data Science Webinar

ICYMI: Last week, our Chartcorps and Data Science teams hosted a Q&A webinar covering the latest mobile research from our spring Quarterly issue. You can check out a full recording of the webinar (or read the Cliff Notes version) here.

You asked, we answered.

Attendees asked lots of great questions during last week’s mobile research findings webinar—some of which we didn’t have a chance to answer during the live Q&A session:

What are some strategies for increasing pageviews per user on mobile devices?

Whether you’re promoting your site on social media or deciding which articles to put on a landing page, consider sending traffic to pages with high mobile recirculation, which tend to drive readers further into your site.

Filter on the “mobile” platform in the Chartbeat Publishing Dashboard and sort your Top Pages section by Recirculation to quickly see which articles are doing the best at driving your audience deeper into your site.

To increase mobile recirculation on a particular page, take a look at where mobile visitors scroll to before leaving, either in real-time with the Heads Up Display or historically with Report Builder.

How can digital publishers tailor content better for mobile platforms?

With mobile platforms, the best way to optimize for your audience is to make sure that the most viewable part of the page—just below the digital fold—is set up for success. Are you giving your audience a chance to move on to additional content before that first big drop off? And if they do drop off after that point, are they at least leaving with a strong takeaway from the article?

If you’re constantly tracking your mobile audience, you’ve probably also noticed trends in terms of which referrers typically send traffic via mobile devices, and even what time of day you usually see the highest amount of mobile traffic. These insights can all inform you on when and where to promote your mobile stories.

Track the second-by-second, pixel-by-pixel attention of your audience with our Editorial Dashboard.

Have you noticed a difference in mobile consumption with the increased popularity of “phablets” — larger screen phones like the iPhone 6 plus or the Galaxy Note 4?

Right now we break down devices into three categories—desktop, mobile, and tablet—so we haven’t looked at any trends yet in the various kinds of mobile devices, but we’ll keep it in mind.

How do you measure scroll depth in the case of these studies?

To measure maximum scroll depth, we look at the the furthest point a user scrolled on the page, as tracked by our pinger, a piece of Chartbeat javascript that runs in your browser. Note that maximum scroll depth isn’t necessarily the point at which you left the page, although the two are often the same number.

To get the maximum scroll depth data for the Data Science Quarterly, we used the same data store that feeds our Report Builder.

What kind of correlation have you seen between scroll depth on landing pages and pageviews per visit?

We haven’t done a study on this correlation yet, but if you’re using the Report Builder tool you can build recurring reports tracking pageviews and unique visitors for a specific page.

Set metrics to “pageviews” and “unique cookies” and set a page path filter equal to “/” — the path of your homepage — and filter on device type equals mobile. That way you can keep track of the numbers for your own homepage day in and day out and discover any trends that might be unique to your own audience. (For more tips and tricks check out Report Builder 101).

Learn more about our suite of editorial tools here. Questions? Shoot us a note or check out our Chartcorps Support Site.