Chartbeat Blog

Week in [Read] View | Week of July 27

We’re all about attention. Here are a few stories from the week that captured ours.

How social sharing varies by news topic and social platform

Natalie Jomini Stroud | American Press Institute | July 27   (4 min read)
“Of all Facebook Shares of Times content, 31 percent are opinion pieces.”

How Can Online Advertisers Get the Most Mileage for Their Money?

Ron Berman | Knowledge@Wharton | July 27   (10 minute listen)
“Paying for impressions or exposures is more profitable than paying commissions.”

“Modern” homepage design increases pageviews and reader comprehension study finds

Joseph Lichterman | NiemanLab | July 28   (5 min read)
“It’s the look and the layout. It’s not the technical features.”

Statistically Speaking, You’re Not Going to Read this Article, But I’ll Make You

Patrick Armitage | Marketing Land | July 28   (6 min read)
“Stick to scannable content. It’s the easiest way to grease the door frame and get visitors in to at least consider the quality of your blog content.”

A light touch and an eye on analytics help Archant build online-only news publication for London

Rushabh Haria | Press Gazette | July 28   (2 min read)
“I think a huge part of why we’ve grown is because we’ve listened to our audience, and we really pay close attention to analytics.”

The fastest-growing mobile phone markets barely use apps

Alice Truong | Quartz | July 29   (2 min read)
“In Asia and Africa, websites made up 90% and 96% of mobile impressions, respectively, in the second quarter.”

Where will UK publishers see their ad revenue coming from in 2016?

Chris Sutcliffe | theMediaBriefing | July 29   (5 min read)
“While adspend on those newsbrand’s print products has fallen the digital equivalent has risen by, in the case of the news publishers, double digits.”

Mutually Assured Content

John Herman | The Awl | July 30   (15 min read)
“Twitter and Instagram and Vine and Snapchat and especially Facebook are larger concentrations of people than virtually any conceivable publication, and these people are clicking, tapping, scrolling and sharing more vigorously than people ever did on websites.”

Trinity Mirror tests ‘FreeWall’ to boost ad spend

Ronan Shields | The Drum | July 30   (3 min read)
“Trinity Mirror is experimenting with a third-way of monetising its content by running ad formats which proactively encourage audiences to interact with brands’ messaging before reading articles.”

Why are leading digital news providers embracing native advertising?

Lucy Küng | theMediaBriefing | July 31   (4 min read)
“If sponsored content is dangerous territory for purveyors of quality news, why does it feel like everyone is embracing native now?”