Chartbeat Blog

Mobile Editors: How Can You Take Advantage of Chartbeat?

According to the Pew Research Center, 30 of the top 50 digital news sites get more traffic to their sites and associated applications from mobile devices than from desktop. But we don’t need to tell you how important mobile is.

We’ll just tell you why mobile teams across 65 countries love Chartbeat Publishing and how they integrate our tools into their device-specific workflow:

Track the Performance of Your Content Among Mobile Audiences

Within the Editorial Dashboard, you can filter by device to see which articles are resonating among mobile readers, how much engagement mobile stories are accruing, and the paths by which mobile readers are arriving to your site, app, or distributed content. All in real time. Second-by-second, pixel-by-pixel. Fully understanding the way mobile readers interact with your content translates to optimized design, returning audiences, and revenue.

Make Mobile Editorial Adaptations in Real Time

The Chartbeat Heads Up Display, a screen overlay that displays real-time visitor data on top of home, section, or article pages, enables teams to take specific and immediate actions to grow a mobile audience. For instance, if you’re seeing low engagement among your mobile visitors on a particular article, use the Heads Up Display to see how far down the page mobile readers are scrolling, so you can spot where engagement is coming to a halt. Break up the text with sub-headers or move around page elements in order to try and increase engagement.

Turn Mobile-Minded Philosophy into Social-Minded Action

Across the Chartbeat Network, social traffic is largely made up of mobile users; we found that Facebook’s share of overall mobile referrals is nearly 4x larger than its share on desktop, while Twitter’s share is 3.6x larger on mobile than on desktop. That means if you want to grow your mobile audience, you’ve got to target your top referral sources for optimal promotion strategy. Use Chartbeat Report Builder, our flexible historical reporting tool, to pull a list of the most engaging articles on mobile from the previous day, and make sure your social media manager continues to push audiences towards that content.

Want to see how other team members can put Chartbeat tools to work? Check out the stories for content creators, producerssection editors, and homepage editors.

For more information on how Chartbeat Publishing helps Mobile Editors speak to every audience, reach out to