Chartbeat Blog

3 Ways Producers Can Optimize Article Layout with Chartbeat

Miss last week’s post which walked through the content creator’s analytics journey? Check it out here to see how writers everywhere can put attention data to work.

Now that we’ve explored how writers can add analytics to their workflows for optimized stories, let’s dive into how producers can get the most out of every story in real time.

Producers and Layout Editors know that there’s much more to a link than meets the eye. A module for related content, an inline link citation, a recommended stories section — these are the kinds of critical facets of article layout that build audiences.

That’s why Producers around the world turn to Chartbeat Publishing for data-backed decisions. Here are just a few ways they can:

Combat Drop-Off

The Chartbeat Heads Up Display locates where on article pages high percentages of readers are dropping off. Within the Heads Up Display, a screen overlay that projects real-time visitor data on top of home, section, or article pages, producers can hone in on the Scroll Depth Indicator. It’ll spot where large portions of your audience are bouncing. Try putting links where drop-off is highest to increase the likelihood that audiences will recirculate to additional content.

Curate Links

By diving into the troves of historical data housed in Chartbeat Report Builder, our flexible historical reporting tool, producers can identify the articles that have performed strongest by referrer type, device type, and topic. If you’re looking for linking more than just related content, historical data is a good place to see what pieces might pair well together. High-engagement pieces with high-traffic pieces? Short-form with long-form? Report Builder has the answers you’ve been looking for.

Optimize for Multi-Platform Responsiveness

The Heads Up Display is not only fully responsive but also filters by device type. By resizing browser windows, editors can see how audiences travel through their site or section on any device. That means if you see a high-traffic article with particularly low recirculation on mobile, you can take immediate action to make sure that related links and content are viewable on multiple platforms.

For more information on how Chartbeat Publishing helps Layout Editors keep it fresh, reach out to