Just Launched: Daily Video Perspective and Mobile App Tracking
We strive to help you understand your audience – who they are and how and where they engage with your digital products. As your audience’s consumption experiences continue to evolve across platforms and formats, Chartbeat too continues to grow to make sure you’re capturing that audience attention wherever it happens. For some, the less visible audiences are in places like video and mobile, which is why we’ve made two additions to the Chartbeat Publishing product that will help: the Daily Video Perspective and in-app tracking for Android and iOS.
Daily Video Perspective: What They’re Watching
Last year, we released the Chartbeat Publishing Video Dashboard, giving you real time insight into how your audience is engaging with your video content. As anticipated, we heard from many of you that you needed a deeper level of overall performance, across longer time frames to truly understand how your content is performing.
Want to see the Daily Video Perspective + Video Dashboard in action? We’re hosting a webinar-style walkthrough, October 1st at 1p EST. Register Now
Enter the Daily Video Perspective where we show your best performing videos from the previous day (or any day). Sort on time spent watching or video starts to see which videos were popular and for how long.
Under the heading Appears On, you’ll see exactly where, on your site, this particular video worked best. The upshot: video has to be in highly visible places (well-trafficked articles, for eg.) but the fit has to be right as well. If not, starts and engagement will suffer.
And keep your eye out for videos that still have life in them. What has the legs to carry over to today?

See top videos by starts and total engaged minutes: get video in front of more eyes and optimize clips for better attention.
Use the Summary tab to get an overview of the previous day’s total video performance stacked up against the past 30 days, in two categories: total engagement and total starts. You’ll also be able to see when your video audience was on your site with a 24-hour time series (blue line) compared to seven days ago (grey line).

Mobile App Tracking: Attention SDK Testers
Our goal with building out our Android and IOS SDKs for in-app tracking is to help you go beyond the (mobile) web to give you the whole story on your visitors and the way they interact with your content.
It’s clear your mobile audience, especially in-app, needs to be represented in the dashboard. As we all know, mobile traffic is only growing (up to 80% year over year, with video being a strong driver), while the number of pure internet users has only experience a slight increase (less than 10% year over year).
Once you add our SDKs, these audiences will be visible directly in your dashboard. See what content they are consuming, engagement levels, visitor frequency, time of day trends, etc. – every dimension of audience identity and behavior that the Chartbeat dashboard supports.

Measure attention wherever it happens
Want access to the Video Dashboard? Interested in our mobile SDKs? Just want to share your thoughts and feedback? Great! We want to hear from you.