It’s all coming together: Introducing Multi-Site View

“I couldn’t live without it. If you need insight into multiple sites at once, you couldn’t live without it either.” — Daniel Bach Nielsen, Digital Editorial Director, Jysk Fynske Medier
Need to monitor performance for multiple sites at once? Now you have a simple, effective way to manage them all — with insightful benchmarking to boot. Our newest offering, Multi-Site View, does just that and a whole lot more.
Create groups of sites
You probably guessed from the name the main purpose of Multi-Site View: you can create a single dashboard for all the sites you manage or any subset therein. Want to track all your coastal sites ahead of a big storm? Create a group. Need to know the weekly performance of all your sports sites, large and small? A custom dashboard for them, too.
“Our analytics team does analytics for multiple sites. Being able to get this overview at once is very, very helpful.” — Jon Eiseman, Head of Audience and Social, Gizmodo Media Group
Adapt in real time
Is one article performing particularly well on one of your sites? Now you can make sure other relevant sites can cross-post that content quickly. Syndication is one of the most powerful tools a media network can have, and when it’s put to use in real time, the results can be tremendously successful.
“Instead of looking at multiple dashboards, a quick glance is enough to suggest the right strategies.” — Han-Menno Depeweg, Head of Digital, NRC Media
Track performance over time
Want to know in an instant if that social-media best practice you put into place across your network is actually working? View data for the last couple months and find out instantly. Network performance isn’t all measured in seconds and minutes. Multi-Site View’s historical tracking will help you measure the power of your entire network in seconds.
Establish cross-site or vertical benchmarks
If you manage multiple websites, you know that each thrives differently and individually. In order to track how successful they are, you need to view them in context. For example, each of your sites may cater to a different audience, generate traffic of a different size, engage readers in different ways, and have different benchmarks for success every day. They’re different — so treat them differently, measure them differently, and celebrate them differently.
With Multi-Site View’s new metric, Site Context, you’ll be able to instantly see when articles on one site are having an extraordinary day based on their typical performance. That means it won’t be lost in the list of your other sites who happen to have more traffic or higher engagement on average.
“El beneficio es que puedes ver las notas que a lo mejor puedes replicar en otros sitios que están teniendo éxito y eso creo que ayudó.” — Pamela Elizabeth Vargas Martínez, Marketing Specialist, Grupo Expansión
Take it for a spin
Like all of our products and features, Multi-Site View is a living, changing tool. Check it out and learn about its capabilities, tell us what you think, and share how we could make it work best for you and your growing portfolio of sites.
Priyanka Krishnan is a product manager at Chartbeat.