Big Screen, Laptop, Phone: Data Where You Are

Chartbeat’s publisher analytics tools are built to make sure that our content insights are able to fit seamlessly into your daily workflow, so we wanted to highlight a few ways that you can keep up with your data, no matter where you are.
You’re in the zone — maybe it was the bold choice to start the day with that extra-large cold brew — but your ears perk up when you hear someone mention that your site is about to set a monthly high in concurrents. Instead of breaking stride to log into a bunch of dashboards, all you have to do is glance up at the big screen monitor in your newsroom that’s showing the Chartbeat Big Board to see what’s going on.
Big Board, a leaderboard-style visualization of your site’s most important engagement analytics, answers the critical questions about your site’s performance: “What are the most engaging articles on my site right now?”, “What traffic sources are driving the most visitors to our site?”, and “Are that many people really reading about Trump’s hair?”. Have one Big Board front and center for your entire site and set up more customized Big Boards around the newsroom for each specialized team so everyone has the data they need within arms reach.
*To access the Chartbeat Big Board, visit where you’ll see the Big Board front and center. Scroll over the “Try It Out” button to see a dropdown list of your available domains. Note: you’ll need to be logged into your Chartbeat account to access the Big Board for your site.
Data on the Go
On your way out of the office to grab lunch, a quick glance at the Big Board reveals that the article that was doing so well this morning has fallen off your top pages list. Luckily, you don’t have to miss a beat. You pull out your phone while waiting in line for lunch and open up your Chartbeat app to find out why that article is losing steam.
You see that the article is getting an unusually low amount of internal traffic, so you check in with a layout editor about adding the article to your site’s recommended stories section to ensure the engaging article can be easily found by your readers.

Chartbeat’s recently updated iOS app gives you real-time analytics on your audience when you’re on the go — such as Concurrents, Engaged Time, and Top Pages — and also has plenty of functionality to dive deeper by tapping into a story to find a breakdown of top referrers, visitor frequency, and device type for a given article.
If you haven’t already, you can download Chartbeat’s new iOS app here.
React in Real Time
Just as you grab a seat for a meeting that is sure to induce a post-lunch food coma, your phone buzzes with a Spike Alert. Spike Alerts notify you via Email, Text Message, iPhone Push Notifications, or Slack (more on that in a bit) when an article is generating a lot of traffic quickly and identifies the referrer that is primarily driving that traffic surge.
The alert tells you that a recently published piece is generating most of its new traffic from a news aggregator. Not everyone on your team is as punctual to meetings as you are so you pull up that story in your app and you to see that the article isn’t performing as well on social media as you might expect. You quickly open up Slack to make sure your social media editor is working on pushing out the story across all channels.
Any user on your Chartbeat account can set up their own Spike Alerts in their settings page.
Slack isn’t just for nagging your coworkers to make sure they’re not, well, slacking, but Chartbeat’s Slack integration is another super easy way to get your most important Chartbeat data where you already spend a lot of your time. You can use the /chartbeat slash commands to get real-time Chartbeat data for your site’s Top Pages, Concurrents, and Average Engaged Time and even add filters such as referrer, author, or page path.
If you want to know how many people on your site right now came from Facebook, just ask your integrated Slack channel: /chartbeat how much traffic on was referred by
You can visit our support site for details on how to set up your Slack integrations and more info on the type of data you can access.
Here at Chartbeat we’re all about data-backed learning and decision-making – and our goal is to help you seamlessly integrate data into the workflows of everyone in your newsroom. So no matter where you are or what you’re doing, our entire suite of products makes it easier for you to stay up to date with your analytics.
Want to learn more about keeping Chartbeat data at your fingertips? Reach out to us at