3 questions Chartbeat’s Heads Up Display can answer when time matters
The speed at which timely information is communicated to your audiences is critical during key events. Just as important are the real-time adjustments you can make to ensure audiences can easily find and engage with your content.
In light of recent events surrounding COVID-19, we’ve noticed a lot of Chartbeat users are outside of the office or working from home, but are still looking to make sure their critical information reaches readers effectively. Therefore, we’re here to answer some FAQs where we think our Heads Up Display (HUD) can quickly help when time is in short supply.
If you’d like to skip right ahead to downloading the HUD, we have both a guide here and video for you below.
Your common Heads Up Display questions answered
Here’s a trio of FAQs from our team on getting the most out of the Heads Up Display.
How can I identify stories resonating most with my readers?
The Heads Up Display overlay across your homescreen, section, or article pages gives you a real-time barometer of your curation efforts. The green and red pins help determine which stories are resonating with your homepage audience, and which stories may need some adjustment to reach their full potential.

In cases where important articles are not showing high levels of engagement, there’s still an optimization opportunity. This can come in the form of testing headlines across multiple variants or a small adjustment to the article preview.
(For more tips on headline optimizations, see: Headline Test to Success)
Where are my readers most often dropping off?
Heads Up Display users should hone in on the Scroll Depth Indicator to see where the highest percentage of readers are dropping off. Here, you have an opportunity to keep readers on your site by changing up subheadings, adding links or considering alternative images where they most drop-off. These adjustments can increase the likelihood that audiences will Recirculate to additional content. Plus, if you’d like to share a scroll depth visualization with your team using Google Sheets, we show you how here.
(For more on Recirculation, see: How Recirculation builds engagement, supports reader acquisition efforts)
How does link performance differ by device (i.e. desktop, mobile, and tablet) homepages?
Chartbeat users can take advantage of the Heads Up Display across device types, to map the reader journey and ensure that audiences receive the best user experience, regardless of where they’re finding your content.

From there, you may want to access the Real-Time Dashboard on our mobile app to see how those behaviors are translating into engagement data, which is especially helpful if you’re unable to be at your desktop at all time.
(Further reading: Use this Chartbeat Heads Up Display hack to improve mobile user experience)
Next step: Install the Heads Up Display
Now that we’ve answered some of your key questions, it’s time to download the Heads Up Display (if you haven’t done so already). Here is a guide from our Technical Solutions and a video walkthrough that you can download.
If you run into any installation issues, don’t hesitate to contact us at support@chartbeat.com.
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