A holiday note from Chartbeat CEO John Saroff
2020 is (almost) over.
On behalf of the entire Chartbeat team, we want to wish you a very happy and safe holiday season.

The end of a year means two traditions at Chartbeat:
1. Our annual list of “Top Stories”
2. A donation on behalf of you, our customers, to non-profit organizations focused on journalism. Given that 2020 was such an unusual year, we are making changes to both traditions.
In 2020, far more than in years past, we saw that liveblogs and infographics about COVID and the U.S. Election dominated the list of Top Stories. The purpose of our list is not only to celebrate, but also to show the world how meaningful stories can thrive in a variety of places and a variety of formats. Given that, we’re splitting the list up into three categories and celebrating the Top Articles, the Top Infographics and the Top Liveblogs. While you will still see a lot of COVID and Biden vs Trump, we believe this framing also sheds light on some stories you may have otherwise missed and we hope you’ll enjoy it.
“The purpose of our list is not only to celebrate, but also to show the world how meaningful stories can thrive in a variety of places and a variety of formats.”
More importantly, this year, we’ve chosen to donate to three non-profits rather than just one. Each year we support the Committee to Protect Journalists. We deeply believe in their mission to protect press freedom worldwide. Sadly, 2020 was a year in which more journalists were imprisoned globally than ever before and we are proud to continue in our support of CPJ. We have also added the National Association of Black Journalists and the International Women’s Media Foundation to our donation list. True journalistic freedom for a society can only be accomplished when the media’s professional ranks are as diverse as the societies they cover and NABJ and IWMF are two of the leaders at helping historically underrepresented groups enter media professions. To CPJ, NABJ and IWMF, we say thank you for doing the hard work that allows us to work with so many talented people.
“To CPJ, NABJ and IWMF, we say thank you for doing the hard work that allows us to work with so many talented people.”
We know this year has been full of loss for so many of you and in so many different ways. We are thinking of you and wish for a brighter year ahead. We are incredibly fortunate to partner with you. Year after year, it remains inspiring to see your commitment to your craft, your devotion to your organization’s mission, and your creation of quality stories that matter in our world. Thank you for your generosity of time and feedback to make our work that much better.
Warm wishes for a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year.