Announcing the Expansion of Offsite Social

In a time of ongoing uncertainty about how content is distributed, consumed, and shared, it’s critical that publishers and newsrooms everywhere understand audience behavior across platforms, devices, and channels. At Chartbeat, we’re working every day to ensure you have the data and insights you need to do just that.
(For further reading, see: Real-time data, long-term reader engagement: Why publishers need more actionable insights)
That’s why we’re excited to announce the expansion of Offsite Social, our social analytics feature in partnership with Facebook’s CrowdTangle, which will result in richer metrics, broader global monitoring capabilities and increased accessibility for thousands more newsrooms around the world. Check out CrowdTangle’s post for more about the announcement.
And since Facebook accounts for such a large percentage of all external traffic to publisher sites, understanding how the articles you write get read and distributed on not only Facebook, but Reddit, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube as well, is crucial.
In anticipation of our update, we hosted the Facebook publisher and CrowdTangle teams to celebrate the collaboration and talk about how we can partner to support the future of journalism, so make sure you stay tuned for what’s to come.