Press for Progress: International Women’s Day 2018

Happy International Women’s Day! Thank you to all the women who stepped up years ago to give us a voice and a big thank you to those who are continuing to speak up today. We salute you and we stand with you.
Today, Chartbeat is proud to celebrate International Women’s Day with hundreds of thousands of others around the world as we #PressforProgress together. This year’s theme of #PressforProgress highlights that we cannot be complacent when we see inequalities in the world. We all need to press forward and march towards progress together.
With more than 40% of our team identifying themselves as women, I am thrilled to be heading up People and Culture at a company that always has women’s progress and gender parity in mind in everything we do. With several women in leadership positions here at Chartbeat, we are able to show that ladies can thrive by having a seat at the table. Chartbeat will always continue to move towards equality in all shapes and forms; it is built into the foundation of how we run our company as we ensure meaningful stories thrive – wherever they live and wherever they come from.
We strive to create an inclusive workplace. Our fully covered parental leave program, family-friendly office, flexible work schedules, and transparent work culture help create an environment where anyone and everyone has the opportunity to thrive. We have hired and promoted strong, intelligent women into positions where they can grow their career, the company, and ultimately the industry.
Within the last year, we have launched a new series of “Chartladies” events to help build relationships within our own company and across the industry. From getting together to watch “Hidden Figures” and “Wonder Woman” to attending NYC-wide events geared towards women in technology, we have been able to do a lot together as a company in the last year. I personally look forward to more opportunities to get our Chartladies together this year so that we can all grow and progress as a team.
Since we work with the news media industry, I want to take a moment to highlight a few organizations that promote women in journalism:
- The International Women’s Media Foundation helps ensure that women are fully supported, protected, recognized and rewarded for their vital contributions at all levels of the news media.
- The Journalism and Women’s Symposium supports the professional empowerment and personal growth of women in journalism.
- The Society of Women Writers and Journalists aims to encourage literary achievement, to uphold professional standards, and to promote social contact with fellow writers.
Empowering women in media is increasingly important, and we commend the great strides these wonderful organizations make every day.