Earth Day at Chartbeat: Building a Culture of Environmental Engagement
A Chartbeat partner once asked us how we dispose of excess waste from our product. We excitedly responded that as a software company, our product does not manufacture excess waste—or any waste for that matter—so that fact alone makes Chartbeat green, right?
Not exactly. As quite possibly New York’s largest consumers of a certain sparkling beverage, we know that recycling is important. Even more so is being engaged—having an environmental consciousness means generations of Chartbabies can have healthy lives long after us. Not to mention that we see environmental changes through the lens of our publishers, whose narratives on the subject have made our Most Engaging Stories lists over the years.
In celebration of Earth Day last week, we put that thinking to work. Our resident environmentalist Evan Kelly was recruited to give a presentation on how we can reduce our footprint and be more engaged with conservation in and out of the office. Evan also moonlights as the engine that runs Chartbeat’s sales operations. Here he is in the office with his trusted Chartpup Cali.

If that weren’t enough, we compiled minute-by-minute highlights from Evan’s slideshow appropriately titled, Chartbeat and Recycling and You, for your (digital-only) consumption.
Chartbeat and Recycling and You: A Presentation
2:30 p.m. — Evan begins his presentation, as shown below.

2:32 p.m. — Evan shows us a screenshot of an article from The Onion with the headline “How Bad For The Environment Can Throwing Away One Plastic Bottle Be? 30 Million People Wonder”. We chuckle, but it gets at the heart of a major environmental misconception—that one person cannot possibly make a difference.
2:35 p.m. — Evan takes us through the three R’s, reminding us that reduce and reuse is commonly deemphasized compared to recycling. Cali barks in agreement (seriously that dog is kind of a genius).
2:40 p.m. — Engagement through action now! Remember that sparkling water you threw in the regular garbage? Cut it out. Dirty recyclables? Rinse them or feel Evan’s wrath. And plastic bags? There’s a reason they’re being phased out in New York.
2:45 p.m. — Evan reminded us that the real goal of “recycling” is to not just place items in a bin, but to be mindful of unnecessary waste.
2:46 p.m. — Agreement all around. Evan received a hearty round of applause. Cali barked again. Presentation completed.
So yes, Earth Day is a convenient annual reminder that we need to take care of our environment. The real challenge is creating a culture where we keep it up the other 364 days of the year. Fortunately for us, we have Evan (and Cali) to keep us honest.
Want to learn more about the culture at Chartbeat? Check out our blog and team pages.