Chartbeat partners with Cuadrilla Capital to deliver new data solutions to the media industry
Today, I am excited to announce that Chartbeat is partnering with Cuadrilla Capital to accelerate our next phase of growth. In addition to their sponsorship, Cuadrilla will bring their expertise in growing enterprise software companies to Chartbeat. Together, we have a goal of supplying more — and even more impactful — data solutions to the media industry.
In 2009, when Chartbeat was just starting out, online storytelling was confined to the desktop, and user feedback was trapped in arcane and slow analytics tools. Our founding team saw that editorial teams, charged with publishing world-changing stories to an informed citizenry, needed real-time analytics to be able to process insights from their audiences and respond.
Since then, connected storytelling has diversified, and Chartbeat has continued to build friendly, impactful software uniquely tailored to the needs of media organizations. In partnering with Cuadrilla, we are adding an industry-leading software investor to help us accelerate our roadmap and build solutions that will help our customers grow both their businesses and audience attention.
Chartbeat stands as the go-to tool for the world’s top media companies, measuring tens of thousands of sites and apps across 71 countries and six continents. We are fortunate to work with the world’s most influential media brands, giving Chartbeat a front-row seat to the rapidly evolving trends in the industry. Strategies are always changing, but as long as the fundamental challenge of media — engaging audiences through content — remains the same, so will Chartbeat’s mission to enable that content to thrive.

We’ve released some exciting tools in the past few years, and while we are proud of the strides we have made, there are even farther strides before us. Media organizations are investing heavily in tools to grow their audiences on connected televisions, improve their rankings in search engines, and build reader revenue models that not only grow revenue but also enhance their brands and user experiences. They are diversifying their revenue streams by adding robust subscription and commerce businesses to their base of advertising revenue.
Chartbeat is currently exploring new mechanisms to deliver both data and insights that transcend dashboards, integrate with business-critical systems, and foster innovation within our customers’ organizations. The assets we gain through our new relationship with Cuadrilla will allow Chartbeat to release those new products in the market much more quickly and with a wider scope, accelerating our path to becoming an end-to-end platform for media companies.
One of the defining features of Chartbeat as both a product and a company has been our deep love for the media industry, and our passion for supporting great content. In Cuadrilla, we found a partner that shares that enthusiasm and aligns with our mission and values.
To our customers – Thank you. This would not have been possible without your support, your feedback, and your constant push to make us better.
To our venture investors – Thank you. Your guidance over these past thirteen years has been both remarkable and invaluable.
To team Chartbeat – Congratulations! Onwards and upwards!